Welcome to the Poodle Club!

Welcome to the Poodle Club!

Hello guys, I am Theresa!
This is place where am I going to tell the stories behind my brand of collars and other "supplies" for doggos - Poodle Supply.

1000 True fans

Actually... maybe the first post is written by my partner Rob, he is more into storytelling. He is also my tech-guy, soo I asked him to start the blog / newsletter for me, as I would love to connect with you - my readers, poodle breeders, and customers. Together we are the Poodle Club, as we call our 1000 core followers.

Actually we read about this concept 1000 First Fans in an amazing book Forbidden by Tino HrnĨiar who build the brand Life is Porno. If you build a brand, its a must-read. It will only took you two days.

Lets connect

Telling the story behind our brand seems like a good start for a blog. You can read below how Rob described the beginnings on Poodle Supply website :D

From now on - story will continue here on a "ghost" blogging platform. You can subscribe to a Poodle Club, and never miss a story or update from us! Some stories will only be shared to your inbox as a newsletter. Others will be public there :)

Lets start from beginning

Once upon time in beautiful Czechia lived Theresa, who had a passion for dogs since her parents memories only reached. Who knows, maybe it has something to do with their working dogs.

Well, things went fast as Theresa was teenager. Instead of Poodle, she put a poodle tattoo on her foot. Then she got herself a Chinese crested doggo. Her boyfriend thought its fair enough, and that she maybe forgot about poodles. Oh boy, how terribly mistaken he just was...

2019 here we go! Theresa ends up at home office and get herself a poodle or two. "Are we having two poodles?" Asks her boyfriend Rob. "Yes! More Poodles, more fun!" smiles Theresa.

Well, fun alters the care for fur, as Theresa had to learn yet. And since fur gets matted in the collar area, Theresa comes up with idea of collar made of slippery satin material stuffed with soft foam, wide enough for better distribution of the weight. Fluffy & Magic. Made for order. You are welcome!

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